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As a business owner with employees, it is likely that there will come a time when you have to deal with a problem employee or even have to consider firing an employee. Here are some things that you can do to minimize any problems that could arise:

  • Have an Employee Handbook that spells out the company's rules and regulations.
  • Communicate with your employees about the things that they are doing wrong as well as the things that they do well. If you have to fire an employee, you do not want the employee to be surprised about the reason for the firing.
  • Document all conversations that you have with the employee.
  • Do written performance evaluations at least annually and more frequently if necessary, go over the evaluation with the employee and keep a copy in the employee's personnel file.

Please contact me to set up an appointment to discuss these and other steps that you can take to minimize potential problems with employees.

Contact Me Today

L. Theodore Hoppe, Jr., Esquire, Attorney at Law is an attorney you can trust to answer your questions, advise you on your rights, help you take the steps necessary to get the situation successfully resolved and if need be, to aggressively defend your rights in court.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

L. Theodore Hoppe, Jr., Esquire - Attorney at Law
Mon: 08:00am - 03:30pm
Tue: 08:00am - 04:30pm
Wed: 08:00am - 04:30pm
Thu: 08:00am - 04:30pm
